(406) 404-1600

Joshua Schendel

Professor of Theology

Joshua D. Schendel grew up in Montana. After completing degrees in classics, philosophy, and theology, he took a position as executive editor of Modern Reformation magazine for a couple of years. He is the author of The Necessity of Christ’s Satisfaction (Leiden: Brill, 2022). Joshua and his wife Bethanne are parents to three kids, Isaiah (9), Laurel (7), and Edith (5).


  • PhD in Theology, St. Louis University
  • MA in Historical Theology, Westminster Seminary California
  • BA in Philosophy and Latin, Calvin College

Research and Teaching Interests

History of Christian Doctrine, Systematic Theology, Biblical Studies, Medieval and Early Modern Metaphysics, Medieval and Early Modern Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Analytic Theology, Logic, Classical Languages, Ecology, Environmental Studies



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