(406) 404-1600

Yellowstone Theological Institute


Do You Speak the Language of Faith?

We do. In fact, like noted Christian author, Phyllis Tickle, we are fluent in “God Talk” with its many dialects, because we know that the topics of God and spirituality are very personal, and held close to the heart. Indeed, our spirituality shapes our worldview. Our mission is to bring God into the public conversation again, no matter where you are in your faith journey. If we can start listening to each other about the things of faith, we have a chance to make our world a better place.

At Yellowstone Theological Institute, we are educating men and women in our academic degree programs and raising a new generation of church leaders who share the truth and love of God with our world.

I am looking for:


Graduate Degrees

Classes to Audit

Community Involvement

Summer Camps

Dance Classes


Education Graduate Degrees

Are You a Future Church Leader?
Church membership is changing, and YTI is educating and training the leaders of the future to participate in the change. We offer innovative master’s degree programs:

Education Audit Our Classes

Extra Learning Opportunities

At YTI, all of our classes can be audited for personal enrichment. To learn more about auditing a class, email our office.

Community Involvement Summer Camps

Bozeman Summer Camps
We offer several summer camps for your little ones that centers around the arts, sports and dance. Our counselors are well-trained, and the camps are geared to fun and learning.

Community Involvement Dance Classes

Education in Motion
Our dance program is a partnership between Raison D’être Dance Project and YTI, with weekly classes offered during the summer months.

Community Involvement Lectures

Listen and Learn
As a way to connect with our larger community, YTI hosts classes through our Local Community Learning Initiative, with topics that range from music to parenting.


The People of God have a Bright Future

You’ve read reports that the church is on the decline? And yet, here you are—a student who believes to the core that your path leads to Christian ministry in our world. Why would you bet your livelihood on something that is declining? Because deep down you know that the church will change, it will thrive, and you want to be at the forefront of these changes. So do we. It’s what we believe in.

Seeking Spiritual Adventurers

On one hand, some would say that people shouldn’t talk about God. On the other, some say they are more spiritual now than any other time in history. We say, let’s talk… together. Yellowstone Theological Institute doesn’t host a church, it models the church, and it doesn’t subscribe to any particular Christian denomination. We are the instigator of deeper conversations about God, and we believe that no matter where you are on the spectrum of belief, we can learn and work together. We offer opportunities to learn through community classes, innovative programs and casual opportunities to “meet-up,” whether through recreational activity, casual cultural discussions or deep theological conversations.

“Life is either a
daring adventure
or nothing.

-Helen Keller


At YTI, our community is one that’s founded on a firm belief in God, a love and respect for one another and the willingness to engage in the sometimes difficult conversations about God and life. Truly, we believe in authenticity and the importance of meeting people where they are in life.

As part of these beliefs, YTI accepts student applications for our innovative diploma and master’s programs throughout the year—each having specific qualifications and deadlines. Apply today to become part of the YTI family and community as we change the conversations around God.

Education Tuition and Fees

YTI is committed to playing a role in the shifting needs of congregations, communities and our world. To lead this change, we keep tuition and fees as low as possible to allow for accessible higher education and learning to all students, no matter their budget.

Education Plan A Visit

We are a diverse community made up of faculty, staff and students who come with a wide range of beliefs, religious foundations and backgrounds, but what brings us together is our belief in and love of God. We invite you to experience YTI, tour our campus and explore the Bozeman community.

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