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(Trust and) Obey

What is it about the word “obey” that makes it so hard to imagine and embrace as a positive experience? I admit, it […]

The Latest Offerings at Yellowstone Theological Institute

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Coming Up:

Leadership for a Thriving Church

February 27, 2025 | 7 pm - 8 pm

Join leadership experts Dr. Derry Long and Rev. Mike Gammill for the following brief presentations related to principles critical for leading healthy churches […]

Thoughts, Musings and News

There’s lots happening at the Yellowstone Theological Institute and we love sharing our thoughts, musings and programs with you, whether you’re a current student, prospective student or member of the community. Get to know our staff and faculty—as well as our programs, summer camps and community events—through our blog and plan to join the discussion. We’d love to hear from you.


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