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Inscribed is the quarterly community newsletter of Yellowstone Theological Institute, keeping you informed of recent and future events, as well as faculty and student accomplishments, placement needs, and ongoing development projects.


Living at Peace with All

Not many US citizens can remember a time when politics were as contentious as they are today. What have we become? As Christ followers, we are called to a different way: “Live at peace with all men.”

Love Your Enemies

Hopefully, the term “enemy” seems a bit extreme when describing those who differ from us politically. Nevertheless, the rhetoric of our leaders and how we often engage with those who disagree with us often implies that this is the case. How, then, are we to love these “enemies”?

Be Alert – But Not Surprised

Jesus’ admonition “see that no one leads you astray…” serves as an encouragement and a warning to all who follow Christ down through the ages.

Living as Citizens of the ‘Unshakable Kingdom’

As citizens of God’s unshakable kingdom, regardless of the powers of the land, we are not prevented from doing much good within our spheres of responsibility and influence.

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Roy Millhouse

Dr. Roy Millhouse joined the YTI faculty this year as Professor of Biblical Studies after teaching Bible, theology, and ministry for 10 years at Sterling College in Kansas. Get to know Dr. Millhouse in this Q & A.

Welcome New Faces!

YTI welcomes Mikki Millhouse as Administrative Assistant for Library & Student Services, and Bethanne Schendel as Operations Assistant & Master Gardener!

From the President

The last three elections have divided the church and caused what could be irreparable harm to the mission of Christ in America. But where Christ is Lord, there is hope — and a way to navigate these tough times with Jesus.

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