Coming in Fall 2025!
Yellowstone Theological Institute is excited to announce the launch of our Master of Divinity in the 2025–2026 academic year!
The M.Div. has long been considered the standard preparation for formal ministry in the church. The course of study in YTI’s Master of Divinity will encompass biblical studies, theological studies, spiritual studies, culture and mission, worship arts, and adventure, as well as training in a wide array of essential ministry skills. Master of Divinity classes will be conducted in a seminar style, guided by professors who have both terminal degrees and extensive practical ministry experience.
Students in the Master of Divinity program will be able to pursue their studies full-time or part-time.
Seminar-Style Learning.
In-Depth Training for Ministry.
Starting 2025.
Master of Divinity Seminars
Biblical Studies Seminar |
2 Years |
- Hermeneutics
- Old Testament
- New Testament
- Introduction to Biblical Languages
Theology Seminar |
2 Years |
- Theological Reflection
- Historical Theology
- Doctrinal Theology
- Contemporary Theology
Culture & Mission Seminar |
1 Year |
- Cultural Hermeneutics
- Understanding Contemporary Culture
- Missio Dei
- Missio Ecclesiae
- Church Planting Today
- Contemporary Issues and the Church
Spiritual Theology Seminar |
1 Year |
- Prayer
- Spiritual Disciplines
- Discipleship
- Christian Mysticism
- Contemporary Spiritual Theology
Ministry & Communication Seminar |
1 Year |
- Basic Pastoral Ministry
- Advance Pastoral Ministry
- Church Administration
- Basic Communication: Teaching
- Basic Communication: Preaching
- Advanced Preaching
Leadership Seminar |
1 Year |
- Basic Leadership
- Innovative Leadership
- Conflict Management
- Advanced Leadership
Worship & the Arts Seminar |
1 Year |
- Theology of Worship
- Worship Design
- Conducting Worship
- Developing a Worship Team
- Theology of the Arts
- Arts-Worship Practicum
Adventure Seminar |
1 Year |
- Theology of Adventure
- Adventure Ministry
- Adventure Practicum
Mentored Ministry |
2 Years |
- Local Church Apprenticeship
- Ministry Rotation 1st year
- Focused Ministry 2nd year
Capstone |
1 Term |
- Review of all Seminars
- Discussion with Professors
NOTE: Curriculum is subject to revision.
“The church changes the world not by making converts but by making disciples.”
–John Wesley
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