Navigating Tough Times with Jesus
The Fall term has kicked off with the largest incoming class in YTI history! We are starting to recover from the COVID lull, and we are pressing forward. To see the eager faces of all our new and returning students has been a joy to all! We are offering a full slate of courses this term, and the professors have their hands full.
We have been in our new facility, “The Barn,” for almost a year, and we have settled in just fine. Students really like the uniqueness: it’s “homey,” has a good library and classrooms, and the faculty are accessible! Looking ahead, we continue to promote our EQUIP program around the state in Bozeman, Billings, Great Falls, and Missoula; around the region in Cheyenne, WY and Bellingham, WA; and even in locales as far away as North Adams, MA; Scottsdale, AZ; and Friendswood, TX. We are kicking off our new Master of Divinity program in Fall 2025. We have found that our innovative approach to this degree appeals to students of all ages. Taking the course of study modeled by the Abbey of St. Victor in 12th century France and updating the content to reflect our context and times, we find that students learn quickly and more deeply. The relationship between faculty and students is richer, the knowledge base is deeper, and the students are well prepared to navigate ministry in our time.
This issue of Inscribed is devoted to how Christians should navigate our turbulent, contentious culture. Election years are normally exciting; but the last three elections have been anxiety-laced dramas. The last three elections have divided the church and caused what could be irreparable harm to the mission of Christ in America. But where Christ is Lord, there is hope, and that is what we want to give you this fall: Hope, and a way to navigate these tough times with Jesus.
Like every other seminary, college and university, in order to keep tuition affordable, we must continue to raise funds. As the end of the year approaches, I pray that you will consider how you can help our students complete their educations and become church leaders and culture changers in our world. You, our supporters, are just as big a part of YTI as our faculty, administration, and students. You are a part of the team.
Grace & Peace to You,
Dr. Jay Smith