Inscribed is the bi-monthly community newsletter of Yellowstone Theological Institute, keeping you informed of recent and future events, as well as faculty and student accomplishments, placement needs, and ongoing development projects.
YTI is starting the new year with a new and exciting direction, as the institute prepares to take up residence in a historic landmark structure just west of Bozeman.
“Sing to the LORD a new song!” (Psalm 96:1) I think about the opportunity that this new facility gives to the Institute. It is a loudspeaker for our “new song.” People will come from all over to this place to learn the song of life that Jesus teaches.
We at YTI are singing to the Lord a new song as we excitedly and expectantly begin to transition to our new building. And we are reminded by our very singing of another building, a building set on the foundation of Christ and the apostles, firmly founded so that it cannot be shaken.
Being hired at YTI was an answer to prayer and an awakening of a dormant dream. It’s been a joy to teach students God’s Word and to equip them for the ministry. These are a sampling of God’s deeds as I “sing the new song” of my new role!
Whether in the church or other organizations, when there is a need for renewal, the instinct seems always to look back, to recapture something. Yet what happened back there was often a response of newness to a present situation.
As I think about the opening verses of Psalm 96, I keep being drawn to verse three, “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples.” Not only are we to “Sing to the Lord a new song,” but we are to sing it in new places as well.
Dr. Derry Long is Professor of Christian Leadership at YTI. He has served in ministry for over 45 years in many roles – pastor, church planter, pastoral coach, regional overseer, and international teacher. Learn a little more about Dr. Long and his wife, Marcy.
I have been given the gift of a three-month sabbatical beginning this January. It has been eleven years since the founding of YTI, and nine years since I became president. It has been a long, demanding, yet very rewarding journey. We have a new facility, a fantastic faculty and staff, and the future is very promising.