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Inscribed is the bi-monthly community newsletter of Yellowstone Theological Institute, keeping you informed of recent and future events, as well as faculty and student accomplishments, placement needs, and ongoing development projects.


A New Home for YTI

YTI is starting the new year with a new and exciting direction, as the institute prepares to take up residence in a historic landmark structure just west of Bozeman.

Psalm 96: A Loudspeaker for Our ‘New Song’

“Sing to the LORD a new song!” (Psalm 96:1) I think about the opportunity that this new facility gives to the Institute. It is a loudspeaker for our “new song.” People will come from all over to this place to learn the song of life that Jesus teaches.

Psalm 96: A Building on Christ’s Foundation

We at YTI are singing to the Lord a new song as we excitedly and expectantly begin to transition to our new building. And we are reminded by our very singing of another building, a building set on the foundation of Christ and the apostles, firmly founded so that it cannot be shaken.

Psalm 96: A Dormant Dream and a New Song

Being hired at YTI was an answer to prayer and an awakening of a dormant dream. It’s been a joy to teach students God’s Word and to equip them for the ministry. These are a sampling of God’s deeds as I “sing the new song” of my new role!

Psalm 96: New Songs for New Situations

Whether in the church or other organizations, when there is a need for renewal, the instinct seems always to look back, to recapture something. Yet what happened back there was often a response of newness to a present situation.

Psalm 96: Singing a New Song … in New Places

As I think about the opening verses of Psalm 96, I keep being drawn to verse three, “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples.” Not only are we to “Sing to the Lord a new song,” but we are to sing it in new places as well.

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Derry Long

Dr. Derry Long is Professor of Christian Leadership at YTI. He has served in ministry for over 45 years in many roles – pastor, church planter, pastoral coach, regional overseer, and international teacher. Learn a little more about Dr. Long and his wife, Marcy.

From the President

I have been given the gift of a three-month sabbatical beginning this January. It has been eleven years since the founding of YTI, and nine years since I became president. It has been a long, demanding, yet very rewarding journey. We have a new facility, a fantastic faculty and staff, and the future is very promising.

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