Bozeman Actors Theatre’s Yellowstone TheatreMakers Summer Camp: MODERN MYTHS
Sponsored by Yellowstone Theological Institute

Bozeman Actors Theatre invites you to Modern Myths Summer Camp! At Yellowstone TheatreMakers, young people lead the way to create theatrical feats of mythic proportions. Campers will explore ancient stories that different cultures used to understand the world around them and then create their own myths to explain the modern unknown. (Where do those shoes on the side of the road come from?)
Working as performers, writers, designers, and—most importantly—collaborators, participants will get firsthand experience with multiple aspects of the creative process and create and perform their own original play.
Led by YTM Director Kristin Hammargren and experienced members of the BAT company, Modern Myths Summer Camp promises to be a creative experience your child will not want to miss.
YTM will continue to practice health and safety guidelines in accordance with the State of Montana and the CDC.
At Camp, Campers Will:
- Learn the fundamentals of creating a character and dramatic structure through writing and performance
- Explore and stretch their body, voice, and imagination
- Gain hands-on experience in theatre design
- Learn about theatre from a variety of perspectives including performer, director, writer, and designer
- Work together as a supportive ensemble
- Develop collaborative leaderships and problem-solving skills
How to Prepare
- Campers should be well-rested, dressed in clothes for movement, and wearing secure shoes.
- Please bring a water bottle, lunch, and a snack. A refrigerator and microwave are available.
- We will spend time outside when possible so be prepared with sunscreen, hats, and whatever else your child might want for time in the sun.
- Feel free to communicate any special needs, allergies, or other concerns you might have about your child’s participation in our workshops. We are committed to fostering a safe, comfortable environment for all students. Email questions or concerns to Kristin Hammargren at
Modern Myths Summer Camp
WHEN: August 15–19, 2022 (Monday–Friday) 9am-3pm
WHO: Students entering 4th-12th grades
Advanced opportunities and leadership roles available for older students
WHERE: Bozeman, Mont. (location TBA)
FEE: $150
At YTM, we are committed to arts access for all. For financial assistance please don’t hesitate to contact us at!
Who We Are
Yellowstone TheatreMakers began as a community outreach program of Yellowstone Theological Institute in 2019 focused on providing young people hands-on experience in all aspects of theatre. We made the most of our first year with a Winter Acting Workshop, the New Seeds Short Play Fest over Spring Break, and two Summer Camps—Summer Storybook and the Shakespeare Solstice Scene Festival.
When everything shifted in 2020, so did YTM. We now offer one week of Yellowstone TheatreMakers Summer Camp every August. In five fast and fun days campers write, design, build, rehearse, and perform their own original play.
Since 2020 Bozeman Actors Theatre has partnered with Yellowstone Theological Institute for TheatreMakers camp. Information about upcoming sessions and registration can be found on their website.
See More on Our Social Media Channels!
Want to see photos and videos of past Yellowstone TheatreMakers camps? Check out our Instagram and Facebook pages!
Who’s Who
Yellowstone TheatreMakers is led by Kristin Hammargren. Seen locally with Montana Shakespeare in the Parks and Intermountain Opera, Kristin is a Chicago-based educator and performer with over ten years of theatre education experience. Other YTM staff over the years has included Bozeman theatre favorite Miles Duffey and Kansas City native Alyssa Watney. Each year professional guest artists from Bozeman Actors Theatre visit camp to share their design expertise with campers.
Our Values: Empowerment. Diversity. Accessibility.
The YTM Philosophy
At Yellowstone TheatreMakers our theatre education is guided by three central beliefs: Empowerment, Diversity, and Accessibility:
Young people grow as artists when they are empowered to think and create from their own point of view.
Theatre asks a lot of questions. What story does our community need right now? How can we best communicate that story to our audience? Over time artists have come up with many ways to answer those questions using light, sound, bodies, voices, puppets, props, music, and words (to name a few). YTM campers are given traditional theatre techniques as tools but will ultimately find their own answers and their own artistic practice.
Hierarchy and homogeneity are antithetical to creativity.
Working as a collaborative ensemble, as opposed to a top-down decision-making structure, enriches the creative process. We teach leadership skills within a student-led, collective context where no one voice is prioritized over another. YTM believes in the value of diverse voices, so we deliberately structure our camper groups to encompass a wide variety of ages and backgrounds. Creativity flourishes when nurtured by variety.
Arts education should be available to all young people.
YTM is committed to arts access for all. Finances, experience, and ability should never be a barrier for participation in the arts. We offer financial assistance and flexible payment options for all camps and seek to accommodate all students’ needs to the best of our ability.
“The Christian is the one whose imagination should fly beyond the stars.”
—Francis Schaeffer
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