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From the President

May 21, 2024 | Dr. Jay T. Smith

Praying, Studying, Rethinking, Retooling, Regrouping — and Pushing Ahead

Finally, Spring is starting to show its shy face. 70º in Bozeman this past Sunday, and once we get past the snowstorm tonight (I’m writing this in April!) we should start to see reasonable Spring temperatures return and all that entails: Green grass; the buds of leaves on trees; and the birds! You don’t know how much you have missed the birds until they start singing again. It has been a long winter, can you tell?

Like every other school of higher education after COVID, YTI has been praying, studying, rethinking, retooling, regrouping and is now pushing ahead into an unknown future. It’s 2024, an election year in the United States, one of the most chaotic election years in seven decades! Our country is split. Too many Christians are putting their faith in politicians and parties. It is now that the church must stand firmly on the gospel, reaching out to all peoples, all citizens, with the truth of the Love of God as it is in Jesus!

During this difficult time, YTI has been praying, studying, and looking for a meaningful way to teach those called to ministry in this new world. We’ve been “retooling” our teaching methods, our course selections and degree programs for more relevance in this culture, and to the brave new church. We’ve been “regrouping” – adding new faculty for our renewed methods, courses and approach. And now, we push ahead. In fall 2024, YTI will plant a new community of faith in The Barn, our new home. It will serve God, our community, and help train our new students. Friends, it will not matter who wins the next election. What matters is who leads, guides, heals, and reconciles us every day of our lives.

One last note. Two of our first staff members, Matt and Kathryn Green, have accepted an associate pastor position in the Phoenix, Arizona area. They have become an indispensable part of who YTI is. I cannot begin to tell you how much they have meant to me personally. Keep them in your prayers as they take on a new adventure!

Grace & Peace to You,

Dr. Jay T. Smith

President and Bridger Professor of Theology & Ethics

Dr. Jay Smith leads the Yellowstone Theological Institute as its president. Dr. Smith has served as minister of youth, music and as senior […]

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