…and the world keeps changing. Although the President has not conceded the election to—what would seem to be—the President-Elect, we know that 2021 will usher in a very different political, economic, cultural, and ecclesial climate than what we have experienced before.
Much to the chagrin of many, we will not be going “back” to the world of 2015, or 2020 for that matter. Nope. Change is the one constant. Our world has changed in the last four years. It has become less congenial, and more combative; less cooperative, and more individual; less truthful, and more skeptical. Yet the world that has changed, will change some more.
The power of peaceful influencers must not be overlooked. This is the power of the true gospel, where God, neighbor, and enemy are loved alike. Yes, it seems odd to say this—considering what we have been through, and especially since our culture now sees Christians as worthless, hypocritical, and foolish power “seekers.” It will take some soul searching and repentance on our part to recover the heart of the good news for a world-gone-wild. But anything is possible with God—just try Him. He will change each of us, and others, through His love.
We don’t need a “mulligan” for 2020, although some would like this “do-over.” We must learn from the past, live in the present, and lean towards the future.
Looking Back, Looking Ahead
YTI has thrived this past year. We now have twice as many students, applicants, and inquiries as we had our first year. Our capital campaign has been securing new donor-partners at a healthy pace. Our architects and engineers are moving ahead with our plans for the north 40 acres of our property, and we are pressing forward with a joint-venture development agreement with the south 40 acres. I have begun searches for a full-time theologian and a full-time biblical studies professor. I am incredibly pleased with our progress, considering the chaotic political culture and the COVID-19 crisis.
I am not sure whether you will receive this issue of Inscribed before the first of the new year, but know that all of you are close to the hearts of our faculty and staff members. We pray for you constantly, and pray that we are as much a blessing to you as you are to us. I look forward to seeing each of you soon.
Dr. Jay Smith, President
Bridger Professor of Theology & Ethics