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Inscribed is the bi-monthly community newsletter of Yellowstone Theological Institute, keeping you informed of recent and future events, as well as faculty and student accomplishments, placement needs, and ongoing development projects.

An Invitation to Adoration

“O Come, Let Us Adore Him” is the theme for this issue of Inscribed. Which raises the question, how can we adore Jesus during this Christmas season? I believe the story of Jesus’s birth in Luke 2:8-20 guides us because it’s the story of an unexpected invitation, leading to a glorious revelation, resulting in the shepherds’ adoration.

O Come, O Come Emmanuel: Looking Forward with Hope & Joy

For many years, my favorite Christmas carol has been “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” But who knew that teaching this Christmas carol that I loved would have such an impact on a group of young people in Mongolia?

Knowing the God Who Makes Himself Known

Before the commercial culture took over Christmas, it was the time where people could not only experience, but even know God. That is indeed the reason why God is incarnate—made flesh—in Jesus: so human beings could know God.

Reading the Christmas Story Again for the First Time

There can’t be a story in the Bible read as repeatedly as the Christmas story. But the layered nature of Scripture allows us to read it fresh, as if for the first time, and see insights emerge that seemed veiled in an earlier reading.

Slowing Down to Actively Adore Christ This Christmas

We can actively adore Christ—worship Him—at Christmas as we slow down, spend time praising Him, and give of our time and finances.

From the President

In the deepest, darkest part of winter, we celebrate the birth of God in the man, Jesus of Nazareth. He became like us, not simply to die for us, but also to show us how to be human.

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