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A Summons to a Heavenly Song

December 16, 2024 | Dr. Joshua Schendel


The Angelic Host

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace unto men of goodwill.”
— Luke 2:13–14

Just as the angels of God shouted for joy at the first beginning, when through the Word the world was formed (Job 38:7), so again they raise their welkin song at this new beginning, when the Word becomes flesh. And this celestial chorus summons us earthly mortals not merely to gaze at the spectacle but to become participants in the drama. In my late youth I came to the realization that just as a melody is not simply a score, it is in the playing, so also Christianity is in the living. Let us offer to God a living sacrifice of praise: Glory to God in highest!

Dr. Joshua Schendel

Professor of Theology

Joshua D. Schendel grew up in Montana. After completing degrees in classics, philosophy, and theology, he took a position as executive editor of […]

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