(406) 404-1600

Apply to the Hillcrest Church Ministry Internship Program

For more information about HCMI, please contact us at information@ythi.org or (406) 404-1600.

  • Personal Information

  • Educational Information

  • Name of InstitutionLocationAttendance DatesMajorDegree or Hours Completed 
  • Reference

    Ask a sponsoring church pastor or staff pastor to complete a reference for you. We will email a link to an online reference form directly to them.
  • Signature

  • By signing and completing this form, I certify that the information given on all forms of this application is true, correct, and complete. I authorize YTI to verify the correctness of the information that I have provided and understand the penalty for false or misrepresented information may be revocation of admission or expulsion from the program, if accepted. I agree to abide by the policies, rules, and regulations of Yellowstone Theological Institute.

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